Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mad Men: Paul Kinsey

The next Mad Men character I wanted to do was Roger Sterling, but after failing miserably numerous time, I switched to Paul Kinsey, played by Michael Gladis.

Drawn on actual honest to goodness paper with a ballpoint pen.


Anonymous said...


claire said...

TOTALLY awesome! :)

Chris said...

That is outstanding! He looks like a supervillain.... *grin*

anonymous said...

Outstanding! You gotta do more!

Then send copies to Matt Weiner. Wouldn't be surprised if they found a way to work these into the set!

Yarnover said...

I want to see you try again with Roger... this one is great. He looks like Orson Welles a little.

jessymessy said...

cool! he also looks like judge ito from the oj simpson trial